Keywords: | Seismology, Exploration Seismic Method, Imaging, Wave Propagation Phenomena |
- BSc (1988), UNLP, Argentina
- Ph.D. (1996), UBC, Canada
- Assistant Professor, UofA, 1997-2001
- Associate Professor, UofA, 2001-2005
- Professor, UofA, 2005-
- Chair of Physics, UofA, 2010-2015
- Chair of Physics, UofA, 2016-
- Editor-in-Chief, GEOPHYSICS, 2015-2017
- 2012 CSEG Medal
- 2014 SEG Honorary Lecturer for Central and South America
- 2015 CSEG Distinguished Speaker
- 2018 CSEG Symposium in honour of M D Sacchi
- 2019 SEG Virgil Kauffmann Medal
FES Funded ProjectsOutputs
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3D and 5D Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA) and the reconstruction of P receiver functions We apply our 5D reconstruction method to the USArray data from the Yellowstone area. Our algorithm efficiently recovers the correct timing and polarity of mantle conversions from the 410- and 660-km discontinuities, consistent with earlier reports in this area. Overall, our analysis demonstrates that working with more spatial dimensions can significantly increase data redundancy, which are conducive to signal recovery. The preconditioning of the data greatly increases our ability to visualize and characterize both known and suspected mantle interfaces.T07-C03 University of Alberta | Activity | 2019-12-09 | | 3-D and 5-D reconstruction of P receiver functions via singular spectrum analysisThis study demonstrates a new way to visualize, clean and process seismic data. The outcomes provides a blueprint for future data analysis and interpretation. This study utilized both local and international data to constrain structure in the mantle. T07-C03 University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-17 | | Edge-preserving FWI via Regularization by DenoisingInvited conference paper at SIAM 2019 Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geoscience. We presented Total Variation regularization methods for solving the Full Waveform Inversion Problem in models with high-velocity contrast. T07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-22 | | Edge-Preserving FWI via Regularization by DenoisingEdge-Preserving FWI via Regularization by Denoising: Discuss the applicability of recently developed technique called Regularization via denoising to solve the Full Waveform inversion problem. This is to recover subsurface elastic parameters from seismic wavefields.T07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-22 | | Edge-Preserving FWI via Regularization by DenoisingT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | 3D FWI on a land dataset in the presence of complex topography variationsT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | Transform-domain noise synthesis and NMO-Stack deconvolution approach to ground roll attenuatT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | Ground roll attenuation via NMO-Stack deconvolution and transform-domain noise synthesisT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | Ground roll attenuation via NMO-Stack deconvolution and transform-domain noise synthesisT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | Model parametrization strategies for Newton-based acoustic full waveform inversionT07-C04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-28 | | Crustal attenuation beneath western North America: Implications for slab subduction, terrane accretion and arc magmatism of the CascadesIn this study, a new Lg attenuation model was developed for the crust in western North America.
We find that Q varies significantly from the Cascade arc (low) to the Canadian Shield (high), which variation is caused by combined effects of scattering and intrinsic attenuation. This study also reveals a sharp boundary that delineates the subsurface extent of the Siletzia terrane.T07-C03 University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-04-15 | Yunfeng Chen, Gu, Y., Farhanah Mohammed, Jingchuan Wang, Sacchi, M., "Ruijia Wang ", Brooklin Davis Hoang Nguyen | Multi-dimensional reconstruction of virtual shot gathersT07-C03 University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-11-25 | | Passive seismic imaging and monitoring using ambient noise body waves, CaMIField Research Station (FRS) research report– vol 5. [Published, 4 pages]T07-C03 University of Alberta, University of Calgary | Publication | 2020-11-30 | |