FES Funded ProjectsOutputs
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D. Gordon 1 year in AachenT01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2019-04-14 | | Development and experimental validation of a field programmable gate array–based in-cycle direct water injection control strategy for homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion stabilityT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-03-01 | Gordon, D., Christian Wouters, Maximilian Wick, Bastian Lehrheuer, Jakob Andert, Koch, C., Stefan Pischinger | In-cycle control for stabilization of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion using direct water injectionHomogeneous charge compression ignition offers a high potential for the reduction of CO2 and NOx raw emissions; however, its use entails problems that are associated with low combustion stability, especially at the limits of the operating range. The recirculation of exhaust gases inside the combustion chamber by using a negative valve overlap leads to a strong coupling of consecutive cycles. The cyclic coupling induces phases of unstable operation after the occurrence of stochastic outlier cycles with misfire or incomplete combustion. These unstable phases are marked by reduced efficiency and increased emissions. Two in-cycle closed-loop control algorithms, which focus on the heat release in the intermediate compression, are presented in this article. To control the combustion process, direct water injection is used to ensure a direct influence on the temperature level in the combustion chamber; subsequently this influences combustion phasing. The decoupling of consecutive cycles serves to reduce deviations in the indicated mean effective pressure and crank angle position of 50% mass fraction burned. To develop a suitable controller, a first-order autoregressive model of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion is split into intermediate compression and main combustion phases. Moreover, unstable sequences are analyzed in the time domain to identify appropriate in-cycle control concepts. The control concepts are developed based on the heat release in the intermediate compression as a strong correlation factor for consecutive cycles. To realize fast control interventions, a real-time cylinder pressure analysis as well as the control algorithms are implemented on a field-programmable gate array. The control algorithms are validated on a single-cylinder research engine and compared with conventional operation without in-cycle control. Results show a significant increase in the stability of combustion phasing and load by means of in-cycle control.T01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-15 | Maximilian Wick, Julian Bedei, Jakob Andert, Gordon, D., Koch, C., Christian Wouters, Bastian Lehrheuer, Eugen Nuss | Development and Experimental Validation of an FPGA Based In-Cycle Direct Water Injection Control Strategy for HCCI Combustion StabilityT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-01-01 | Gordon, D., Christian Wouters, Maximilian Wick, Bastian Lehrheuer, Jakob Andert, Koch, C., Stefan Pischinger | Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2019SCC 2019 in Aachen
The Symposium for Combustion Control directed by Prof. Stefan Pischinger (Institute for Combustion Engines), Prof. Jakob Andert (Institute for Combustion Engines), Prof. Dirk Abel (Institute of Automatic Control), Dr. Thivaharan Albin (Institute of Automatic Control) and Prof. Heinz Pitsch (Institute for Combustion Technology) of RWTH Aachen University has already taken place for the fourth time. In this year, again over 90 participants from 13 different countries visited the conference in Aachen.
In 19 technical presentations and additional plenary speeches of Prof. Christian Schwarz (BMW Group), Prof. Per Tunestål (Lund University) and Prof. Gregory M. Shaver (Purdue University), the latest theoretical and application driven developments for the control of next generation combustion engines were presented. During the two conference days, varied topics were expounded.
Prof. Christian Schwarz showed detailed life cycle analysis of different electrified powertrains and highlighted that improved combustion engines can significantly contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions. The use of e-fuels couples the production of electrical energy to the transport sector combines benefits like peak shaving in the energy grid with low-CO2 transport. Prof. Per Tunestål showed an outstanding presentation how combustion control can act as an enabler for clean combustion engines. Also the third keynote from Prof. Gregory Shaver focused on low emission engines, but more on the Diesel side. He showed very clearly that improved control methods could help to keep the exhaust aftertreatment system in the right temperature range.The dinner took place at the restaurant LivingRoom close to the historical city hall.T01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2019-06-04 | | HCCI Modeling and Control Strategies Utilizing Water InjectionMSc ThesisT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-12-31 | | Evaluation of the Potential of Direct Water Injection in HCCI CombustionT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-01-19 | "Christian Wouters ", "Tamara Ottenwälder ", " Bastian Bastian Bastian Bastian Lehrheuer, " Stefan Stefan Stefan Stefan Pischinger, "Maximilian Wick ", "Jakob Andert ", Gordon, D. | DME Sustainable Mobility WorkshopWorkshop on the potential of DME for passenger and heavy duty applications.T01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2019-05-24 | | Graduate Scholarship in Environmental Engineering T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2019-10-01 | | Westmoreland Coal Company Graduate Scholarship in Environmental Engineering T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2018-10-01 | | Doctorial Recruitment Scholarship T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2019-01-01 | | Government of Alberta Graduate Scholarship T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2018-09-01 | | Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2018-09-01 | | International Exchange Award T01-P04 University of Alberta | Award | 2018-04-30 | | Machine learning-based diesel engine-out NOx reduction using a plug-in PD-type iterative learning controlT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-08-26 | | Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2018The automotive world is facing rapid changes. Real world driving emissions are in the focus of the public, well-established technologies are reassessed and new players enter the global market. To achieve a sustainable and green mobility the development of efficient and clean combustion engines is one of the key requirements. Most of the promising and novel approaches require innovative closed-loop control approaches, detailed physical models, powerful control logics and new sensor concepts.
The Symposium for Combustion Control was established in 2015 to foster the interaction between the scientific community and the automotive industry. Its focus are the latest theoretical and application driven developments for the control of next generation combustion engines. In the last years, the program was completed with presentations for example given by VW AG, DENSO, Daimler AG, Jaguar Land Rover Ltd., Ford, BMW Group, TNO Automotive, and many further international companies and universities.T01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2018-06-27 | | Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2017Symposium for Combustion ControlT01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2017-06-28 | | NVO peak pressure based in-cycle control for HCCI combustion using direct water injectionHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), is a low temperature combustion method, which can significantly
reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions compared to current lean-burn spark ignition engines. The lack of direct ignition
control leads to high cyclic variation with HCCI combustion. A fully variable electromagnetic valve train is used to
provide the required thermal energy for HCCI through internal exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) using negative valve
overlap (NVO). This leads to an increase in the cyclic coupling as residual gas and unburnt fuel is transferred between
cycles through EGR. To improve combustion stability an experimentally validated feed-forward water injection controller
is presented. Utilizing the low latency and rapid calculation rate of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) a real-time
calculation of the cylinder pressure and the controller is implemented on a prototyping engine controller. The developed
and experimentally tested controller relates the upcoming combustion phasing to the peak NVO pressure. This control
strategy aims to prevent the early rapid combustion following combustion during the NVO period by using direct water
injection to cool the cylinder charge and counter the additional thermal energy from any residual fuel that burnt during
the NVO period. By cooling the trapped cylinder mass the upcoming combustion phasing can be delayed to the desired
setpoint. The controller was experimentally tested showed slight improvement in the combustion stability as shown by a
reduction in the standard deviation of indicated mean effective pressure and reduced pressure rise rates.T01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-05-16 | Gordon, D., Koch, C., "Christian Wouters ", "Bastian Lehrheuer ", "Stephan Pischinger ", "Maximilian Wick ", "Jakob Andert " | Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CICS) 2019Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CICS) 2019T01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2019-05-14 | | Industry Mixer Lightning PostersIndustry Mixer Lightning Posters
T01-P04 University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-02-20 | | Evaluation of ASTM D6424 standard for knock analysis using unleaded fuel candidates on a six cylinder aircraft engineT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-04-01 | | Development and experimental validation of a real-time capable field programmable gate array\textendash based gas exchange model for negative valve overlapT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-07-01 | Gordon, D., Christian Wouters, Maximilian Wick, Feihong Xia, Bastian Lehrheuer, Jakob Andert, Koch, C., Stefan Pischinger | Homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion stability improvement using a rapid ignition systemT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-01 | Gordon, D., Christian Wouters, Shota Kinoshita, Maximilian Wick, Bastian Lehrheuer, Jakob Andert, Stefan Pischinger, Koch, C. | Safe deep reinforcement learning in diesel engine emission controlT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-02-01 | | Support vector machine based emissions modeling using particle swarm optimization for homogeneous charge compression ignition engineT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-11-01 | Gordon, D., Armin Norouzi, Gero Blomeyer, Julian Bedei, Masoud Aliramezani, Jakob Andert, Koch, C. | Deep learning based model predictive control for compression ignition enginesT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-10-01 | Armin Norouzi Yengeje, Saeid Shahpouri, Gordon, D., Alexander Winkler, Eugen Nuss, Dirk Abel, Jakob Andert, Shahbakhti, M., Koch, C. | End-to-End Deep Neural Network Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Experimental Implementation on Diesel Engine Emission ControlT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-12-01 | Gordon, D., Armin Norouzi Yengeje, Alexander Winkler, Jakub Tyler McNally, Eugen Nuss, Dirk Abel, Shahbakhti, M., Jakob Andert, Koch, C. | Machine Learning Integrated with Model Predictive Control for Imitative Optimal Control of Compression Ignition EnginesT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Armin Norouzi, Saeid Shahpouri, Gordon, D., Alexander Winkler, Eugen Nuss, Dirk Abel, Jakob Andert, Shahbakhti, M., Koch, C. | Realtime Machine Learning based In-Cycle Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression IgnitionT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-03-02 | | Hybrid emission and combustion modeling of hydrogen fueled enginesT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-01 | | Performance and Emission Investigation of Hydrogen Diesel Dual Fuel CombustionT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-01 | | Deep Neural Network based Performance and Emission ModellingT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-01 | | MPC implementation for HCCI Combustion using a Deep Neural Network based modelT01-P04 University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-01 | |