Generalized Phase-Shift PWM for Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-12-05 | Li, Y., Hao Tian, Li, R. |
8th Nagamori AwardFor contribution to the PWM, control and converter topology of medium voltage high power industrial drives. University of Alberta | Award | 2022-05-26 | Li, R. |
A New Approach to Steady-State Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Power ConvertersSecond best paper award in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Journal University of Alberta | Award | 2021-04-30 | Mohammad Daryaei, Khajehoddin, A., "Javad Mashreghi", Khurram K Afridi |
Best Paper AwardBest Paper Award, International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2020
Z. Quan (Ph.D), J. Lu and Y.W. Li, “Design and Test of a GaN Flying Capacitor Power Module”, in Conf. Rec. International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2020), 2020.
University of Alberta | Award | 2020-11-29 | Zhongyi Quan, "Juncheng Lu", Li, R. |
C.R.James Award for Best Master of Science Thesis in Fall 2020 | Award | 2020-09-01 | Changpeng Jiang |
Clarivate's 2022 Highly Cited ResearchersDr. Yunwei Li made the latest list of the world's most highly cited in their fields. The list identifies authors of multiple papers ranking in the top one percent in the world by citations for their field and publication year over the last decade. University of Alberta | Award | 2022-11-21 | Li, R. |
Fellowship University of Alberta | Award | 2020-01-01 | Li, R. |
Graduate Fellowship | Award | 2019-01-01 | Chatumal Perera |
GreenSTEM Fellowship | Award | 2020-12-01 | Zhongyi Quan |
Highly Cited Researcher University of Alberta | Award | 2019-12-31 | Li, R. |
Highly Cited ResearcherHighly Cited Researcher recognized by Web of Science group and Clarivate Analytics, 2020 University of Alberta | Award | 2020-12-31 | Li, R. |
Hybrid LCC-VSC Bipolar HVDC System for DC Power Tapping StudiesBest Student Paper Award at the 2022 CIGRE Canada Conference University of Alberta | Award | 2022-05-10 | "M. Persand", Yuan Li, Kish, G. |
PhD Recruitment Scholarship | Award | 2020-02-20 | Marius Takongmo |
PhD Recruitment Scholarship | Award | 2019-09-01 | "Sunil Neralla" |
Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral | Award | 2020-01-01 | Mohammad Daryaei |
Prize Paper award University of Alberta | Award | 2019-06-19 | "S. Singh", Chatumal Perera, Kish, G., Salmon, J. |
Prize Paper Award University of Alberta | Award | 2021-11-16 | Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Nie Hou, Millawithanachchige Nayanasiri, Li, R. |
Queen's Elizabeth II graduate | Award | 2020-01-01 | Mohammad Daryaei |
Second Prize, Energy New Venture CompetitionSecond Prize, Energy New Venture Competition, Concept Stream, 2019. As lead of team “High Power density Converter” for high density and light weight PV string inverter concept.
2nd prize winner from over 20 teams in the concept stream competition. The competition is designed to empower the next generation of energy entrepreneurs, and is guided by an advisory board drawn from the Calgary investment, academic, and entrepreneurial communities.
University of Alberta | Award | 2019-06-04 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R., Changpeng Jiang |
Travel Grant | Award | 2019-09-01 | Chatumal Perera |
Smart Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: Power Management, Energy Management, and Power Quality Control University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-01 | Li, R., Farzam Nejabatkhah, Hao Tian |
Current Source Converters and Their Control University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-12-12 | "Ye Zhang", Li, R. |
A Dual-Input Single-Output DC -DC Converter Topology for Renewable Energy Applications University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Nie Hou, Dulika Nayanasiri, Li, R. |
A Fast Dynamic Response Control Method for the Hybrid SRC-PSFB Converter with Partial Power Processing Property University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | "Ruizhi Wei", "Nie Hou", Li Ding, "Wenze Li", Li, R. |
A Fault-tolerant Scheme for Switching Devices in Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | "Yue Zhang", Li Ding, Nie Hou, Li, R. |
A High-frequency Compact Zero- Voltage-Transition GaN-based Single-phase Inverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-19 | M H Karkaragh*, Morteza Esteki, M R Mohammadi*, Khajehoddin, A. |
A High-Voltage-Gain ZVS IPOS Bidirectional Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-19 | M R Mohammadi, Afshin Amoorezaei, Khajehoddin, A., "K. Moez" |
A Medium-Voltage DC Collector Grid for PV Plants Using Multi-string MPPT Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-01 | Zhongyi Quan, Jingxin Hu, Li, R., Rik W De Doncker |
A Novel Beat Frequency Modulated Single-Stage Soft-Switched Microinverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-05-31 | "Milad Heidari", Ebrahimi, M., Khajehoddin, A. |
A Partial Power Processing MMC Topology for Direct AC/AC Power Conversion | Publication | 2021-11-01 | Anjana Wijesekera, Yuan Li, Gregory Kish |
A Partial-Power-Processed CLLC-Dab DC/DC Transformer with Voltage Self-Balancing Capability for Bipolar LVDC Distribution Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Ruizhi Wei", "Rui Liu", Li Ding, Li, R. |
A Power Decoupling Technique for High Power-Density Single-Phase Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-19 | Ebrahimi, M., Khajehoddin, A. |
A Power Sharing Control Scheme with Fast-Dynamic Response for Input-Series Output-Parallel DAB dc-dc Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Nie Hou, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Xuesong Wu, Li Ding, Yue Zhang, Li, R. |
A ROOT approach for stochastic energy management in electric bus transit center with PV and ESS University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-12-09 | Yuan Liu, Liang, H. |
A Single-phase Enhanced Grid-forming Controller with Converter Current Limiting University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Roshan Sharma, Ali Zakerian, Khajehoddin, A. |
A Two-Stage Four-Switch Buck-Boost Integrated Dual-Active-Bridge Converter with Wide Range Soft-Switching and Minimized Backflow Power University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Ruizhi Wei", "Xuesong Wu", Li Ding, Li, R. |
A Virtual SVPWM based Power Control Scheme for Multi-Port DC-AC Converters in PV-Battery Hybrid Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Jiangfeng Wang, Kai Sun, Li, R. |
An Alternative Dual Active Bridge Modulation to Minimize RMS Current and Extend ZVS Range University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | Faizah Zahin, "Alireza Abasian", Khajehoddin, A. |
An Alternative Method to Accurately Model Magnetic Components Using Ansys HFSS 3D University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | Amin Khakparvar Yazdi, "Mona Mostafavi Mostafavi Mona, "Alireza Safaee", Khajehoddin, A. |
An Approach for Modeling and Stability Analysis of Single-phase Microgrids | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Nima Amouzegar Ashtiani, S Ali Khajehoddin, Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani |
An Efficient High-power-Density Integrated Trap-LCL Filter for Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | Neda Mazloum, Khajehoddin, A. |
An Input-Series-Output-Parallel Connected Four-Switch Buck-Boost-Integrated CLLC DC Transformer with Bidirectional Natural Power-Sharing Property University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | "Ruizhi Wei", "Xuesong Wu", "Rui Liu", Li Ding, "Wenze Li", Li, R. |
Application of Battery Storage System to Improve Transient Responses in a Distribution Grid University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-08-01 | "T. Qunais", "R. Sharma", "M. Karimi-Ghartemani", "S. Silwal", Khajehoddin, A. |
Bidirectional DC -AC Converter Using a High- Frequency Transformer with Multi-Frequency Decoupled Power Control University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Juan Zuniga, Marius Takongmo, Chatumal Perera, Ambegoda Liyanage Vishwa Thilan Anuradha Perera, Salmon, J. |
Carrier-Based MPC for Interleaved 2L-VSIs with Reduced Low-order Zero-Sequence Circulating Current University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | Changpeng Jiang, Zhongyi Quan, Dehong Zhou, Li, R. |
CCS-MPC with Long Predictive Horizon for Grid-Connected Current Source Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | "Xue Cheng", Li Ding, Li, R. |
Cell Equalizers Modeling and Analysis Based on Energy Conservation Method University of Alberta | Publication | 2017-01-01 | "Nasim Hasanpour", Khajehoddin, A. |
Circulating Current Suppression in Parallel Connected ANPC Converters using Advanced PWM Switching Patterns University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Wael Telmesani", "Saeed Wdaan", Salmon, J. |
Common-mode Voltage Reduction Method for Three-level Vienna Rectifiers University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | "Peng Zhang", "Xuezhi Wu", Bowei Li, Li Ding, "Yue Zhang", Li, R. |
Communicationless Power Management Strategy for the Multiple-DAB-Based Energy Storage System in Isolated DC Microgrid University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-20 | Nie Hou, Li, R., Li Ding |
DC/AC Voltage Sourced Converter with Auxiliary DC Port for Renewable Energy Applications University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J., Kish, G. |
Design and Magnetic Optimization of Dual Active Bridge Converters for Energy Storage Application University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-19 | Amin Khakparvar Yazdi, Neda Mazloum, Morteza Mahdavifard, Khajehoddin, A. |
Design and Test of a GaN Flying Capacitor Power Module University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-01 | Zhongyi Quan, Juncheng Lu, Li, R. |
Design Considerations of the GaN Power Stage for a GaN/Si Internal Parallel Multilevel Converter based 1500V PV String Inverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-01 | Zhongyi Quan, Li Ding, Juncheng Lu, Li, R. |
Design of Parallel Converters with L-Filter and Reduced Filter Size University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-08-22 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Design of Three Limb Coupled Inductors using Cross-Coupled Windings to produce Multi-Level Output Voltages and Reduced Magnetics University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-12-01 | Marius Takongmo, Salmon, J. |
Discontinuous Bi-tri Logic SPWM for Current Source Converter with Optimized Zero-State Replacement University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-25 | Li Ding, Li, R., "Kai Sun" |
Discontinuous Modulation for Improved Thermal Balance of Three-Level 1500-V Photovoltaic Inverters under Low-Voltage Ride-Through University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Jinkui He, Ariya Sangwongwanich, Yongheng Yang, Zhongyi Quan, Li, R., Francesco Iannuzzo |
Dual and Isomorphic Power Converters with the Topology Cycling Phenomenon University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-25 | Li, Y., Li, R. |
Dynamic Pulse-Positioning for a Single-Stage Isolated AC-DC Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-12-01 | "Vishwa Perera", "Juan Zuniga", Salmon, J. |
Efficiency Enhancement of a Dual Active Bridge Converter by Utilizing Complete Zero Voltage Switching University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-02 | Morteza Mahdavifard, Khajehoddin, A. |
Enhanced Interleaved PWM Scheme with Flux Compensation for Three-Parallel Connected Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Chenhui Zhang, Marius Takongmo, Salmon, J. |
Family of Hybrid dc-dc Converters for Connecting DC Current Bus and DC Voltage Bus University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | Nie Hou, Li, R. |
Fast-Response FCS-MPC for Coordinated Control of Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive Motors in Humanoid Robotic Arm Shoulders University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Chao Gong", "Brian Seibel", "Cheng Xue", "Xiaodong Zhang", "Yaofei Han", Li, R. |
Field Weakening Operation of Open-Winding Induction Motor Dual Drives Using a Floating Capacitor Bridge Inverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Saeed Wdaan, Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J. |
Flux Minimization in Interphase Coupled Inductors of Parallel-Connected Voltage Source Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-01 | Chenhui Zhang, Marius Takongmo, Ambegoda Liyanage Vishwa Thilan Anuradha Perera, Salmon, J. |
Graph Isomorphism Network: A Learning-based Workflow for Converter Inverse Design Problem University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | "Cheng Xue", Li, Y., Faraz Zargari, Li, R. |
Guidelines for Selecting Minimum Capacitance for a Floating Bridge Dual Inverter Drive University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | Chatumal Perera, Kish, G., Salmon, J. |
Harmonics compensation of the LCC in a parallel LCC-VSCs configuration for a hybrid AC/DC network University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi, Li, R. |
Hybrid LCC-VSC Bipolar HVDC System for DC Power Tapping StudiesM. Persand, Y. Li and G.J. Kish, “Hybrid LCC-VSC Bipolar HVDC System for DC Power Tapping Studies,” in Proc. CIGRE Canada Conference & Expo, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2022. University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-03 | Manish Persand, Li, R., Kish, G. |
Low Harmonic Loss PWM for a Dual Inverter Drive using a Floating Capacitor Inverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | "Sukhjit Singh", Chatumal Perera, Kish, G., Salmon, J. |
Microgrid Light-Load Efficiency Improvement Based on Online-Inverter Detection University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Ali Sheykhi, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Khajehoddin, A. |
Mixed Series-Parallel Connected Current Source Converters with Interleaved SPWM University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | Li Ding, Li, R. |
Model Predictive Control for LCL -Filtered DG-Grid Interfacing Inverters With State Variable and Input Disturbance Estimation University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-06-01 | Cheng Xue, Li, R. |
Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converters with Level-Shifted Pulse-Width-Modulation University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | Dehong Zhou, Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Modular Triple-Active Bridge DC -DC Converters for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics-Plus-Battery Storage Systems Connected to MVDC Grids University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-01 | Jingxin Hu, Zhongyi Quan, Shenghui Cui, Li, R., Rik W De Doncker |
Multi-Level Power Converters using Coupled Inductors and Parallel Connected 2-Level Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-25 | "Sukhjit Singh", Marius Takongmo, Salmon, J. |
Multi-level Voltage Source Converters using Coupled Inductors and Parallel Connected Inverter Legs University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-01 | Marius Takongmo, Chenhui Zhang, Salmon, J. |
Multi-port Converters for Synthesis and Enhancement of Hybrid-Clamped Multilevel Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-29 | Li, Y., Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Hao Tian, Li, R. |
Multi-rate Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control with Reduced Circulating Currents for Parallel Dual-Converter-Fed PMSM Drive University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Xuesong Wu", "Cheng Xue", Li, R. |
Multisampling Model Predictive Control For PMSM Drives With Improved Tracking Performance and High Bandwidth University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Cheng Xue", "Xuesong Wu", Li, R. |
Optimal Design of Nested Current and Voltage Loops in Grid-Connected Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-25 | Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Khajehoddin, A., "Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani" |
Overview of voltage support strategies in grid-connected VSCs under unbalanced grid faults considering LVRT and HVRT requirements University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-10-22 | Masoud M Shabestary, Shahed Mortazavian, Mohamed, Y. |
Parallel Inverters using a DC Common Mode PWM Filter with an AC Differential Mode PWM Filter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-12-01 | Marius Takongmo, "Chenhui Zhang", Salmon, J. |
PWM Control of a Dual Inverter Drive X using a Floating Capacitor Inverter University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-07-25 | "Sukhjit Singh", Chatumal Perera, Kish, G., Salmon, J. |
Simplified Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Converters With Internal Identical Structure University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-30 | Dehong Zhou, Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Single Equivalent PV Inverter Model for PV Farms with Substantial Parameter Disparities Using WD agg Approach University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-02 | Navid Shabanikia, Khajehoddin, A. |
Soft-Switching Analysis of Beat Frequency Modulated Microinverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-05-31 | "Dheeraj Etta", "Milad Heidari", Ebrahimi, M., Khajehoddin, A., Khurram K Afridi |
Soft-switching Bi-directional High Step-up/down Converter for Battery Charging Applications University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-25 | Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, "Dulika Nayanasiri", Li, R. |
Stabilization of a Utility-Scale Grid-Connected PV System with Reduced DC-Link Capacitance University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-03-28 | Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh, "Amr Radwan", Mohamed, Y. |
Steady-State Analysis of Power Converters using the Enhanced State Vector Algorithm University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-30 | "Reza Sadri", Mohammad Daryaei, Khajehoddin, A. |
Systematic Derivation of Simplified Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter through Matrix Models University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-07-25 | Li, Y., Hao Tian, Li, R. |
Virtual Reduced-Order Plant-Based Speed Sensorless Control for AC Motor Drives With Output LC Filter University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-05-02 | "Cheng Xue", "Xuesong Wu", Li, R. |
Virtual Transformer Control for DC-DC Interlinking Converters in DC Microgrids University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | "Haixu Shi", "Kai Sun", Li, R., "Hongfei Wu" |
Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of DC Microgrid Converters with Droop Control University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-10-01 | Aida Afshar Nia, Navid Shabanikia, Khajehoddin, A. |
Dynamic Pulse-Positioning for a Single-Stage Isolated AC-DC Converter | Activity | 2022-10-05 | "V. Perera" |
Grid-Tied Parallel Voltage Source Converters: Applications, Control and Modulation Techniques University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-11-09 | Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Parallel Voltage Source Converters: Applications, Control and Modulation Techniques University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-11-29 | Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Power Electronics for Smart Electrical Grid Interface | Activity | 2022-05-10 | "Dohitha Yapa" |
Rap Session Co-chair, and Track Chair Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2020 University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-03-19 | Khajehoddin, A. |
Rap Session Co-chair, and Track Chair Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2024 University of Alberta | Activity | 2024-02-25 | Khajehoddin, A. |
Soft Normally Open Points (SNOP) for Medium Voltage Distribution Grids | Activity | 2022-05-10 | "Sheron Bolonne" |
Track Chair, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2023 University of Alberta | Activity | 2023-10-13 | Khajehoddin, A. |
Tutorial Co-Chair, and Track Chair for IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2020 University of Alberta | Activity | 2020-10-15 | Khajehoddin, A. |
Harmonic Mitigation of Voltage Source Converter Based High-Power Variable Frequency Drives | Publication | 2019-01-01 | Hao Tian |
Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Stabilization of Active DC Distribution Systems | Publication | 2018-12-31 | Ahmed Mohamad |
Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Stabilization of Converter-Based Distributed Generation Systems Considering Low-Voltage Ride-Through Requirements, Unbalanced and Weak Grid Conditions, and Load Dynamics | Publication | 2018-09-30 | Shahed Mortazavian |
Modular Voltage Balancing Networks for Series Connected Battery Cells | Publication | 2019-09-30 | Atrin Tavakoli |
Power Conversion Techniques Using Dual Inverter Structures | Publication | 2021-08-31 | Chatumal Perera |
Stochastic Energy Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Yuan Liu |
Systematic Topology Derivation and PWM Design of Multilevel Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Li, Y. |
Analysis, Design and Control of Asymmetrically Modulated Dual Active Bridge Converters for Energy Storage Systems | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Faizah Zahin |
Anomaly Detection in Smart Distribution Grids with Deep Neural Network | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Ming Zhou |
Decentralized Schemes for Grid-Forming Inverter System Efficiency Improvement and Online-Inverter Detection | Publication | 2021-12-31 | Ali Sheykhi |
Design, Analysis and Implementation of New Durable Streetlighting LED Driver Topology | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Daniel Darvishrahimabadi |
High Power Long Lifetime LED Drivers | Publication | 2018-01-01 | Mahmoud Rahmani |
Multiport DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter for MVDC and HVDC Networks | Publication | 2018-04-30 | Sunny Kung |
Aggregated model of large-scale wind farms for power system simulation software tools (USPTO)USPTO Application No.: 62/862,816
Filed on: 2020-06-18
Abstract: A method of modeling an equivalent wind turbine generator (WTG) system for a wind farm having a plurality of WTG units includes determining an impact factor of each WTG unit of the plurality of WTG units, determining an equivalent single WTG unit model parameters of the wind farm based on the impact factor of each WTG unit, and determining an effective wind speed of the wind farm to use as the equivalent WTG input wind speed. The method produces a model of static and/or dynamic wind farm behavior. Additionally, a software configured to execute a method of modeling an equivalent wind turbine generator (WTG) system for a wind farm having a plurality of WTG units. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2020-12-24 | Khajehoddin, A., "A. Tabesh", Navid Shabanikia |
Beat Frequency Modulated Single-Stage Soft-Switched MicroinverterPatent Status: Pending (as of May 2023) University of Alberta | IP Management | 2023-03-17 | Khajehoddin, A., "Heidari* M", Ebrahimi, M. |
Internal Paralleled Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter With Logic-Based Flying Capacitor Voltage BalancingUS Patent # 10,924,031 B2
Issued on: 2021/02/16
Abstract: An internal parallelization based active neutral point clamped (IP-ANPC) converter is provided having a low switching frequency (LSF) part and a plurality of high switching frequency (HSF) modules. The HSF modules are connected in parallel and the converter is modular. The converter provides the benefits of modularity, improved reliability and efficiency, interleaving operation, and reasonable utilization of wide band gap (WBG) devices. A logic based flying capacitor voltage balancing scheme is also provided. The balancing scheme includes naturally balancing the voltage of the converter with phase shift pulse width modulation and redundantly balancing the voltage of the converter with redundant switching states. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2021-02-16 | Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Internal paralleled active neutral point clamped converter with logic-based flying capacitor voltage balancing (CAN)Canadian Patent Application Serial # CAN 3,042,676
Filed on: 2019-05-08
Abstract: An internal parallelization based active neutral point clamped (IP-ANPC) converter is provided having a low switching frequency (LSF) part and a plurality of high switching frequency (HSF) modules. The HSF modules are connected in parallel and the
converter is modular. The converter provides the benefits of modularity, improved reliability and efficiency, interleaving operation, and reasonable utilization of wide band gap (WBG) devices. A logic based flying capacitor voltage balancing scheme is also provided. The
balancing scheme includes naturally balancing the voltage of the converter with phase shift pulse width modulation and redundantly balancing the voltage of the converter with redundant switching states. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2019-05-08 | Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Low-Profile Fractional Planar Transformer University of Alberta | IP Management | 2024-02-23 | Khajehoddin, A., Amin Khakparvar Yazdi |
Modular Multi-Level AC-AC ConverterInternational Patent Application # PCT/CA2022/051602, Edmonton AB
A modular multilevel AC-AC converter is provided which allows for the direct conversion of AC power between different voltage levels using half-bridge submodules. The converter has a partial power processing topology that exploits internal circulating DC currents to facilitate charge balance of submodule capacitors. This power transfer mechanism eliminates the centralized DC link required in conventional back-to-back modular multilevel converter (B2B-MMC) systems, thus enabling reductions in the semiconductor effort and submodule capacitor energy storage requirements typically required in a B2B-MMC solution. A modulation scheme is also provided for different AC voltage conversion ratios. The converter operation and controls are validated by simulation, and experimentation. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2023-05-04 | Anjana Wijesekera, Kish, G. |
Multi-Level Voltage Source Parallel Inverters and Coupled InductorsApplication No.: PCT/CA2020/050826
Publication No.: WO2020/248078
Abstract: A power inverter for converting a DC voltage from a DC voltage source to AC voltage for a load (e.g., a motor or power grid) includes an inverter input terminal for connection to the DC voltage source, an inverter output terminal for connection to the load, at least two inverter legs connected in parallel with the inverter input terminal, and a coupled inductor assembly. The coupled inductor assembly includes at least one magnetic core, and for each one of the inverter legs, an associated pair of windings around the at least one magnetic core. Each associated pair of windings includes a first winding in series connection with the inverter leg output terminal of the one of the inverter legs, and a second winding in series opposing type connection with the first winding, and in series connection with the inverter output terminal, between the first winding and the inverter output terminal. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2020-06-12 | Salmon, J., "S. Singh" |
Multi-Port DC/DC Converter SystemUS Patent # 17/088,812 filed Nov 4, 2020.
A non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is provided. The non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is modular and can incorporate an unlimited number of independent input or output ports. The efficiency of the non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is improved through partial power processing techniques without having isolation in the converter. The non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology also provides a balanced DC neutral point, making it an ideal candidate for bipolar DC grid or as the front-end of a multilevel DC/AC converter. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2020-11-04 | Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Multi-Port DC/DC Converter System (CAN)US Patent Application Serial # CAN 3,098,017 filed Nov 4, 2019.
A non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is provided. The non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is modular and can incorporate an unlimited number of independent input or output ports. The efficiency of the non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology is improved through partial power processing techniques without having isolation in the converter. The non-isolated multiport DC/DC converter topology also provides a balanced DC neutral point, making it an ideal candidate for bipolar DC grid or as the front-end of a multilevel DC/AC converter. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2019-11-04 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Multi-terminal modular DC-DC converter for DC networks (CAN)Canada Patent Application No.: CA 3,028,231
Filed on: 2018-12-20
Abstract: Multi-terminal HV DC-DC converters are required to facilitate future HVDC infrastructure with the ability to interconnect and manage power flow between multiple HVDC networks. Existing topologies offer limited modularity
and scalability, making them difficult to implement in the fast-growing HVDC industry. In this disclosure, a multi-terminal modular multilevel converter (MT-MMC) is proposed as the first truly modular multi-terminal HV DC-DC
converter. The MT-MMC is made up of multiple subconverters that can be controlled individually with de-centralized controllers, allowing easy reconfiguration of the converter power circuit. The MT-MMC also realizes reductions in semiconductor effort and magnetic requirement when compared with conventional multi-terminal solutions. Case studies are conducted to demonstrate the versatility of the MT-MMC, and a comparative analysis is performed to highlight the advantages of the MT-MMC. Operation and performance of the MT-MMC are verified by simulation. University of Alberta | IP Management | 2018-12-20 | Kish, G., Sunny Kung |
Partial Energy Processing Converters for High Efficiency and Full MPPT Range PV Module Integrated Converter MICPatent Status: Pending (as of May 2023) University of Alberta | IP Management | 2022-09-22 | Khajehoddin, A., "Daryaei* M" |
Vacuum packaged powerline magnetic field energy harvester (CAN)Canadian Patent Application No.: 05015367-36CA
Filing date: 2019/08/01
Abstract: A power generation device. The power generation device includes a piezoelectric cantilever beam positioned proximal to an alternating magnetic field; a magnetic mass attached to the piezoelectric cantilever beam, where the magnetic mass may be positioned within a portion of the alternating magnetic field; and a vacuum enclosure encapsulating the piezoelectric cantilever beam and the magnetic mass to vacuum seal the piezoelectric cantilever beam and the magnetic mass within the vacuum enclosure. The piezoelectric cantilever beam may be configured to have an output resistance based on a vacuum level of the vacuum enclosure.
University of Alberta | IP Management | 2019-08-01 | Khajehoddin, A., A B AR |
A Carrier-Based Modulation Strategy for Modular Isolated Matrix Rectifiers University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-01 | Fanxiu Fang, Li, Y., Hao Tian, Yun Wei Li |
A Centralized CB-MPC to Suppress Low-Frequency ZSCC in Modular Parallel Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-03-25 | Changpeng Jiang, Zhongyi Quan, Dehong Zhou, Li, R. |
A Coupled Virtual Impedance for Parallel AC/DC Converter Based Power Electronics System University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-02-19 | "Jinwei He", "Liyang Du", "Beihuan Liang", Li, R., "Chengshan Wang" |
A Design Methodology to Synthesize First Degree Single-Path Hybrid DC-DC Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-10-01 | Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, Dulika Nayanasiri, Ajith Pasqual, Li, R. |
A Direct Actual-Power Control Scheme for Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC /DC Converter Based on Virtual Impedance Estimation University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-01 | Yue Zhang, Li Ding, Nie Hou, Li, R. |
A discounted stochastic multiplayer game approach for vehicle-to-grid voltage regulation University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-08-21 | Yuan Liu, Liang, H. |
A Dual MMC Chain-link Structure for Multi-frequency Power Transfer | Publication | 2022-07-11 | Yuan Li, "Dalu Liu", Gregory J Kish |
A Dual-Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC/DC Converter With High-Frequency Current-Ripple-Friendly Ports University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-04 | "yue zhang", Li Ding, Nie Hou, Li, R. |
A Dual-Inductor-Connected Isolated DC–DC Converter With Direct Current Control and Low Current Harmonics University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-07-13 | "Yue Zhang", Li Ding, Nie Hou, Li, R. |
A Dual-Input Single-Output DC-DC Converter Topology for Renewable Energy Applications University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-01 | Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Nie Hou, "Dulika Nayanasiri", Li, R. |
A Framework for Normalizing Physical Features of Li-ion Batteries to Form a Generic Health Estimation Model University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-11-08 | "Milad Mohammadrezaei", "Zainab Maleki", "Ahmadreza Tabesh", Khajehoddin, A. |
A High Voltage Gain ZVT Quasi-Z-Source Converter With Reduced Voltage Stress University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-26 | "Milad Heidari", Morteza Esteki, Khajehoddin, A., "Hosein Farzanehfard" |
A Load-Current-Estimating Scheme With Delay Compensation for the Dual-Active-Bridge DC \textendashDC Converter | Publication | 2022-03-01 | Nie Hou, Yue Zhang, Yun Wei Li |
A Lossless Passive Snubber Circuit for Three-Port DC-DC Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-08-18 | "Rasoul Faraji", "Hosein Farzanehfard", Morteza Esteki, Khajehoddin, A. |
A Low-Cost Cell-Level Differential Power Processing CMOS IC for Single Junction Photovoltaic Cells | Publication | 2021-12-01 | Afshin Amoorezaei, Sayed Ali Khajehoddin, Nasrin Rezaei, Kambiz Moez |
A Modular Battery Voltage Balancing System Using a Series Connected Topology University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-10-30 | Atrin Tavakoli, Khajehoddin, A., Salmon, J. |
A Modular Design Approach to Provide Exhaustive Carrier-Based PWM Patterns for Multilevel ANPC Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-07-12 | Li, Y., Hao Tian, Li, R., "N. Zargari", "Z. Cheng" |
A Natural Transient-Behavior-Based Control Theory for DAB-Based Two-Stage DC–DC Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-09-19 | Nie Hou, "Yue Zhang", Li, R. |
A New Approach to Steady-State Modeling, Analysis and Design of Power Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-04-30 | Mohammad Daryaei, Khajehoddin, A., "Javad Mashreghi", Khurram K Afridi |
A New Class of Modular Multilevel Converter for Direct AC-AC Conversion University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-11-09 | Anjana Wijesekera, Yuan Li, Kish, G. |
A New Current Source Converter Using AC-type Flying-Capacitor Technique University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-03-22 | "Li Ding", Li, Y., Li, R. |
A Partial Power Processing Structure Embedding Renewable Energy Source and Energy Storage Element for Islanded DC Microgrid University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-11 | Nie Hou, Li Ding, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, "TianHong Wang", "Yue Zhang", Li, R. |
A Simple DC-Offset Eliminating Method of the Series-Inductance Current for the DAB DC-DC converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-12-23 | Nie Hou, "Jingxin Hu", "Di Mou", "Yue Zhang", Li, R., Rik W De Doncker |
A Soft-Switched Current-Fed Dual-Input Isolated DC–DC Converter Topology University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-07-20 | Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, "Dulika Nayanasiri", "Nie Hou", Li, R. |
A survey on electric buses - energy storage, power management, and charging scheduling University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-12-05 | "Ruilong Deng", Yuan Liu, Wenzhuo Chen, Liang, H. |
A three-layer stochastic energy management approach for electric bus transit centers with PV and energy storage systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-09-15 | Yuan Liu, Liang, H. |
A Tunable Power Sharing Control Scheme for the Output-Series DAB DC–DC System With Independent or Common Input Terminals University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-04-15 | Nie Hou, Li, R. |
A Voltage Feedback Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Interface Circuits University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-02-28 | "Nasrin Rezaei-Hosseinabadi", Afshin Amoorezaei, "Ahmadreza Tabesh", Khajehoddin, A., "Rasoul Dehghani", "Kambiz Moez" |
A Zero-Sequence Component Injection PWM Scheme for Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Rectifiers With Unbalanced DC-Link Voltages University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-07-18 | "Peng Zhang", "Xuezhi Wu", Bowei Li, Li Ding, "Jing Long", "Weige Zhang", Li, R. |
Active Power Enhancement Control Strategy of Grid-Forming Inverters Under Asymmetrical Grid Faults University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-04 | ""Han Zhang"", "Rui Liu", "Cheng Xue", Li, R. |
Alternative Approach to Analysis and Design of Series Resonant Converter at Steady State University of Alberta | Publication | 2018-08-03 | Mohammad Daryaei, Ebrahimi, M., Khajehoddin, A. |
An Alternative Control Approach to Achieve Fast Load Transient Responses in DC-DC Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-12-09 | Amir Borzooy, Khajehoddin, A., Masoud Karimi Ghartemani, Ebrahimi, M. |
An Asymmetrical DAB Converter Modulation and Control Systems to Extend the ZVS Range and Improve Efficiency University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-24 | Morteza Mahdavifard, Neda Mazloum, Faizah Zahin, Amin Khakparvar Yazdi, "Alireza Abasian", Khajehoddin, A. |
An Electrolytic-Capacitor-Less PFC LED Driver With Low DC-Bus Voltage Stress for High Power Streetlighting Applications University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-11 | Morteza Esteki, Daniel Darvishrahimabadi, "M. Shahabbasi", Khajehoddin, A. |
An Improved Damping Method for Virtual Synchronous Machines University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-02-27 | Ebrahimi, M., Khajehoddin, A., "M. Karimi-Ghartemani" |
An Improved SVM Strategy to Reduce DC Current Ripple for AC-DC Matrix Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-20 | Fanxiu Fang, Hao Tian, Li, R. |
An Improved Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter System With Full-Voltage Balancing Capability for Bipolar Low-Voltage DC Grid University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-09-22 | Bowei Li, Hao Tian, Li Ding, "Xuesong Wu", Kish, G., Li, R. |
An Input-Oriented Power Sharing Control Scheme With Fast-Dynamic Response for ISOP DAB DC\textendashDC Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-01 | Nie Hou, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Xuesong Wu, Li Ding, Yue Zhang, Li, R. |
Analysis and Design of Droop-Controlled Grid-Forming Inverters Using Novel WD Agg Approach University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-27 | Navid Shabanikia, Khajehoddin, A. |
Assessment and Mitigation of Dynamic Instabilities in Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems With Reduced DC -Link Capacitance University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh, Amr Radwan, Mohamed, Y. |
Autonomous Coordinated Control Scheme for Cooperative Asymmetric Low-Voltage Ride-Through and Grid Support in Active Distribution Networks With Multiple DG Units University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-12-19 | Masoud M Shabestary, Mohamed, Y. |
Battery Thermal- and Health-Constrained Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Bus Based on Soft Actor-Critic DRL Algorithm University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-08-06 | "Jingda Wu", "Zhongbao Wei", "Weihan Li", "Yu Wang", Li, R., Dirk Uwe Sauer |
Boosting Nine-Level Operation of Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped (7L-HC ) Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-01 | Hao Tian, Li Ding, Li, R. |
Capacitor Pre-Charge Method for Back-to-Back Seven-Level Hybrid Clamped Converter without Extra Power Supply University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Hao Tian, Mingzhe Wu, Li, R. |
Carrier Transition Techniques for Parallel Connected VSCs Using Cross-Coupled Inductors University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-01 | Chenhui Zhang, Marius Takongmo, Saeed Wdaan, Wael A M Telmesani, Dohitha Bandara Yapa, Salmon, J. |
Carrier Transition Techniques for Parallel Connected VSCs Using Cross-Coupled Inductors University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-28 | "Chenhui Zhang", Marius Takongmo, "Saeed Wdaan", Wael A M Telmesani, "Dohitha Yapa", Salmon, J. |
Closed-Form Continuous Asymmetrical Hybrid Modulation, Ensuring Wide ZVS Range and Seamless Transients for DAB Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-02-19 | Morteza Mahdavifard, Khajehoddin, A. |
Commutation Scheme of Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters with Suppressed Deadband-Induced Voltage Spikes University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-08 | Hao Tian, Li, Y., Li, R. |
Comparative Assessment of Multi-Port MMCs for High-Power Applications | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Yuan Li, Gregory J Kish |
Coupled Inductors for High-Frequency Drives With Parallel-Connected Inverter Legs University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-01 | Marius Takongmo, Chenhui Zhang, Salmon, J. |
Cyber-Security of Smart Microgrids: A Survey University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-12-23 | Farzam Nejabatkhah, Li, R., Liang, H., Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi |
Decoupled Floating Capacitor Voltage Control of a Dual Inverter Drive for an Open-Ended Winding Induction Motor University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-12-06 | Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J., Kish, G. |
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Aided Efficiency Optimized Dual Active Bridge Converter for the Distributed Generation System University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-01 | Yuanhong Tang, Weihao Hu, Bin Zhang, Di Cao, Nie Hou, Li, R., Zhe Chen, Frede Blaabjerg |
Distributed Battery Energy Storage Co-Operation for Renewable Energy Sources Integration University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-10-01 | Hussein M Abdeltawab, Mohamed, Y. |
Droop-Based DC Microgrids Analysis and Control Design Using Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling Approach University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-01-09 | Aida Afshar Nia, Navid Shabanikia, Khajehoddin, A. |
Dual-Port Inverters with Internal DC-DC Conversion for Adjustable DC-Link Voltage Operation of Electric Vehicles University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-11-25 | Dehong Zhou, "Jiangfeng Wang", Nie Hou, Li, R., "Jianxiao Zou" |
Dynamic Analysis and Active Stabilization of a Utility-Scale Grid-Connected Current-Source Inverter-Based PV System Considering Source Dynamics University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Md Mizanur Rahman, Mohamed, Y. |
Dynamic Interactions and Stabilization of Weak Grid-Tied Parallel VSCs and Parallel CSCs Systems Considering PVG Dynamic Resistance University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-07 | Mizanur Rahman, Mohamed, Y. |
Dynamic Stabilization of a Centralized Weak Grid-Tied VSC System Considering PV Generator Dynamics University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-03-29 | Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh, "Amr Radwan", Mohamed, Y. |
Efficient Modeling and Systematic Design of Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop Structures University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-01 | Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Houshang Karimi, Khajehoddin, A., Seyed Milad Hoseinizadeh |
Energy Conservation Versus Charge Conservation Law for Modeling and Analyzing Cell Equalizers University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-08-22 | "Nasim Hasanpour", Khajehoddin, A. |
Exploiting Buck-Boost Duality in Dual Active Bridge Modular Multilevel Converters to Achieve High DC Step Ratios | Publication | 2020-12-23 | Sunny Kung, Chatumal Perera |
From Graph Theory to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): The Opportunities of GNNs in Power Electronics University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-12-21 | Li, Y., "Cheng Xue", Faraz Zargari, Li, R. |
General Bi-tri Logic SPWM for Current Source Converter with Optimized Zero-state Replacement University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-03-18 | "Li Ding", Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Generalized Low Switching Frequency Modulation for Neutral-Point-Clamped and Flying-Capacitor Four-Level Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-07-01 | Mingzhe Wu, Hao Tian, Kui Wang, Georgios Konstantinou, Li, R. |
Generalized Predictive Control for LC -Filtered Voltage-Source Inverters With Enhanced Predictive Horizon University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-08-11 | "Cheng Xue", "Jiangfeng Wang", "Rui Liu", ""Han Zhang"", Li, Y., Li, R. |
Graph-Theory-Based Derivation, Modeling and Control of Power Converter Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Li, Y., Johannes Kuprat, Li, R., Marco Liserre |
Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation of the LCC in a Parallel LCC-VSCs Configuration for a Hybrid AC/DC Network University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-15 | Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi, Li Ding, Li, R. |
High Efficiency and Full MPPT Range Partial Power Processing PV Module-Integrated Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-02-08 | Mohammad Daryaei, Morteza Esteki, Khajehoddin, A. |
High-Quality PWM Scheme for High-Speed Electric Drives University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Chenhui Zhang, Marius Takongmo, Salmon, J. |
Hybrid AC/DC Network with Parallel LCC-VSC Interlinking Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-08-28 | Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi, Li, R., Farzam Nejabatkhah |
Hybrid Voltage Balancing Control for Four-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters With Low Switching Frequency University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-01 | Mingzhe Wu, Hao Tian, Li, R., Kui Wang |
Inertia Emulation and Fast Frequency-Droop Control Strategy of a Point-to-Point VSC -HVdc Transmission System for Asynchronous Grid Interconnection University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-01 | Jiebei Zhu, Xiaonan Wang, Junbo Zhao, Lujie Yu, Suxuan Li, Li, R., Josep M Guerrero, Chengshan Wang |
Input-Independent and Output-Series Connected Modular DC-DC Converter with Inter-Module Power Balancing Units for MVDC Integration of Distributed PV University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-06-20 | "Xiuyi Li", "Miao Zhu", "Mingzhang Su", "Jianjun Ma", Li, R., "Xu Cai" |
Interaction Dynamics Analysis and Active Stabilization of a Weak Grid-Tied Hybrid PV-Wind Power Generator University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-03-11 | Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh, "Amr Radwan", Mohamed, Y. |
Interaction Dynamics and Active Suppression of Instability in Parallel Photovoltaic Voltage-and Current-Source Converters Connected to a Weak Grid University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-05-12 | Mizanur Rahman, Mohamed, Y. |
Investigation and Enhancement of Stability in Grid-Connected Converter-Based Distributed Generation Units With Dynamic Loads University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-04-30 | Shahed Mortazavian, Mohamed, Y. |
Isomorphic Relationships between Voltage-Source and Current-Source Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-02-02 | Li, Y., Li Ding, Li, R. |
LED Systems Applications and LED Driver Topologies: A Review University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-04-17 | Morteza Esteki, Khajehoddin, A., "Alireza Safaee", Li, R. |
Load type impacts on the stability and robustness of DC microgrids University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-02-24 | "Mehdi Pourmohammad", "Mohammadreza Toulabi", Khajehoddin, A. |
Maximum Asymmetrical Support in Parallel-Operated Grid-Interactive Smart Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Masoud M Shabestary, Mohamed, Y. |
Maximum Torque Operation of Open-Winding Induction Motor Dual Drives Using a Floating Capacitor Bridge in the Field Weakening Region University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-08-01 | Saeed Wdaan, Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J. |
Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Current-Source Converter With Enhanced Robustness and Grid-Current Feedback Only University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Cheng Xue, Li Ding, Xuesong Wu, Li, R., Wensheng Song |
Model Predictive Control of a Nine-Level Internal Parallel Multilevel Converter with Phase-Shifted Pulse-Width-Modulation University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-11-28 | Dehong Zhou, Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Model Predictive Power Control of Grid-Connected Quasi Single-Stage Converters for High-Efficiency Low-Voltage ESS Integration University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-02-23 | Dehong Zhou, "Jiangfeng Wang", Li, R., "Jianxiao Zou", "Kai Sun" |
Model-Based Closed-Loop Control for High-Power Current Source Rectifiers under Selective Harmonic Elimination/Compensation PWM with Fast Dynamics University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Mingzhe Wu, Li Ding, Cheng Xue, Li, R. |
Modeling and Design of Parallel LCC -VSC Interlinking Converters' Unified Controller in AC/DC Network University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-12-01 | Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi, Li, R., Li Ding |
Modeling and Stability Analysis of Single-Phase Microgrids Controlled in Stationary Frame University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-07-01 | Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Khajehoddin, A., Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani |
Modified Carrier-Overlapped PWM with Balanced Capacitors and Eliminated Dead-Time Spikes for Four-Level NNPC Converters under Low Frequency University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Mingzhe Wu, Li, R., Hao Tian, Li, Y., Kui Wang |
Modified Droop Strategy for Wide Load Range Efficiency Improvement of Parallel Inverter Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-07-01 | Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Ali Sheykhi, Khajehoddin, A. |
Modular Interline DC Power Flow Controller University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-04-21 | "Xu Zhong", "Miao Zhu", Li, R., "Shuai Wang", Han Wang, "Xu Cai" |
Modular Multilevel Converter With Multitasking Magnetics for AC/AC Power Conversion University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-06 | "Shehan Herathge", Anjana Wijesekera, Yuan Li, Kish, G. |
Monopolar Fault Reconfiguration of Bipolar Half Bridge Converter for Reliable Load Supply in DC Distribution System University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-09-01 | Jianjun Ma, Miao Zhu, Li, R., Xu Cai |
Multi-Port DC -AC Converter With Differential Power Processing DC-DC Converter and Flexible Power Control for Battery ESS Integrated PV Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-05-01 | Jiangfeng Wang, Kai Sun, Cheng Xue, Tingting Liu, Li, R. |
Multilevel CSC System Based on Series-Parallel Connected Three-phase Modules with Optimized Carrier-shift SPWM University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-09-03 | Li Ding, Li, R. |
Multilevel Voltage Source Converter Topologies with Internal Parallel Modularity University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-09-17 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Multiport Converter With Enhanced Port Utilization Using Multitasking Dual Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J., Gregory Kish |
Multiport Converter with Independent Control of AC and DC Power Flows for Bipolar DC Distribution University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-08-12 | Chatumal Perera, Salmon, J., Kish, G. |
Multiport DC-DC-AC Modular Multilevel Converters for Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-07-09 | Mohammadhadi Rouhani, Kish, G. |
Multirate Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for High Switching Frequency Power Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-04-01 | Cheng Xue, Li Ding, Hao Tian, Li, R. |
Multirate Harmonic Compensation Control for Low Switching Frequency Converters: Scheme, Modeling, and Analysis University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-04-01 | Hao Tian, Li, R., Qing Zhao |
Non-isolated DC -DC Power Converter Synthesis using Low-entropy Equations University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, Dulika Nayanasiri, Ajith Pasqual, Li, R. |
Nonlinear Stability Analysis and Active Compensation of a Utility-Scale Single-Stage Grid-Connected PV System University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-12-20 | Mizanur Rahman, Mohamed, Y. |
Novel Isolated Multiport DC Converter With Natural Bipolar Symmetry for Renewable Energy Source Integration to DC Grids University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-23 | Immanuel Ninma Jiya, Huynh Van Khang, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, "Nand Kishor", Li, R. |
Online Estimations of Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Applicable to Partial Charge/Discharge University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Amin Bavand, Khajehoddin, A., Masoud Ardakani, Ahamdreza Tabesh |
Optimal Coding Schemes for Detecting False Data Injection Attacks in Power System State Estimation University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-01-01 | Chensheng Liu, Ruilong Deng, Wangli He, Liang, H., Wenli Du |
Parallel-Connected Voltage Source Converters With a DC Common Mode and an AC Differential Mode PWM Filter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-11-16 | Marius Takongmo, "Chenhui Zhang", Wael A M Telmesani, Dohitha Bandara Yapa, Salmon, J. |
Phase-Disposition PWM based 2DoF-Interleaving Scheme for Minimizing High Frequency ZSCC in Modular Parallel Three-level Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-02-18 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Power Converters Topological Transformation Using Dual and Isomorphic Principles University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-03-18 | Li, Y., Li, R. |
Power Quality Enhancement of Remote Gas Field Generations with Smart Power Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-09-14 | "Wenze Li", "Rui Liu", Li, R. |
Prescriptive Grid-Tied Inverter Control University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-06-27 | J L Lopez-Sarabia, J C Mayo-Maldonado, "G. Escobar", D A Stone, D del Puerto-Flores, Li, R. |
Pulse-width Modulated Switched Resonator Converter Having Continuous Buck Gain University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-20 | Dulika Rukshan Nayanasiri, Li, R. |
Reconsideration of Grid-Friendly Low-Order Filter Enabled by Parallel Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-07-13 | Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
Reduced-Order Controllers Using Integrated Controller-Plant Dynamics Approach for Grid-Connected Inverters University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-07-10 | "Hossein Gholizade-Narm", Khajehoddin, A., "Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani" |
Reduction of Common-Mode Voltage and NP Voltage Oscillation for Three-Level Vienna Rectifiers Using Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition PWM University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-10-05 | "Peng Zhang", "Xuezhi Wu", Bowei Li, Li Ding, "Jing Long", "Weige Zhang", Li, R. |
Small-signal Modelling and Analysis of Microgrids with Synchronous and Virtual Synchronous Generators University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-03-08 | "Rui Liu", Li Ding, "Cheng Xue", Li, R. |
Soft-Switched Single Inductor Single Stage Multi-Port Bidirectional Power Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-04-20 | "Rasoul Faraji", "Lei Ding", Morteza Esteki, Neda Mazloum, Khajehoddin, A. |
Stator Short-Circuit Fault Detection and Location Methods for Brushless DFIMs using Nested-loop Rotor Slot Harmonics University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-12-31 | "M. Afshar", "A. Tabesh", M Ebrahimi ", Khajehoddin, A. |
Switch Open-Circuit Fault Detection and Localization for Modular Multilevel Converters Based on Signal Synthesis University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-08-14 | "Haoran Wang", Yuan Li, Anjana Wijesekera, Kish, G., "Qing Zhao" |
Systematic Synthesis and Derivation of Multilevel Converters using Common Topological Structures with Unified Matrix Models University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-02-19 | Li, Y., Zhongyi Quan, Li, R. |
The Evolutions of Multilevel Converter Topology: A Roadmap of Topological Invention University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-05-05 | Li, Y., Li, R. |
The Modular Multilevel DC Converter with Inherent Minimization of Arm Current Stresses University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-05-06 | Yuan Li, Kish, G. |
Topologies and Operations of Hybrid-type DC-DC Converters Interfacing Dc-Current Bus and Dc-Voltage Bus University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-06-29 | Nie Hou, "Yue Zhang", Li, Y., Li Ding, Li, R. |
Transformerless Series-Connected Current Source Converter University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-16 | "Ling X.", "Wei Q.", Li, R. |
Unified Control of the Parallel LCC -VSCs Interlinking Converters in a Hybrid AC/DC Network University of Alberta | Publication | 2022-03-01 | Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi, Li, R., Farzam Nejabatkhah |
Unified Fast-Dynamic Direct-Current Control Scheme for Intermediary Inductive AC -Link Isolated DC-DC Converters University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-01-01 | Nie Hou, Li, Y., Zhongyi Quan, Li, R., Andrew Zhou |
Vector Shifted Model Predictive Power Control of Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Rectifiers University of Alberta | Publication | 2019-10-15 | Dehong Zhou, Changpeng Jiang, Li, R., Zhongyi Quan |
Virtual Resistor Based Second-Order Ripple Sharing Control for Distributed Bidirectional DC-DC Converters in Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid University of Alberta | Publication | 2020-06-30 | Hao Tian, Li, R. |
Virtual SVPWM Based Flexible Power Control for Dual-DC-Port DC-AC Converters in PV-Battery Hybrid Systems University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-04-19 | "Jiangfeng Wang", "Kai Sun", Dehong Zhou, Li, R. |
Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of Grid-Following Inverters to Analyze Renewable DG Integrated Microgrids University of Alberta | Publication | 2023-02-13 | Navid Shabanikia, Khajehoddin, A. |
Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of Induction Machine-Based Windfarms University of Alberta | Publication | 2021-02-08 | Navid Shabanikia, Aida Afshar Nia, "Ahmadreza Tabesh", Khajehoddin, A. |
ELITE Grid lab video University of Alberta | Publication | 2024-01-04 | Li, R. |